4 Ways To Calm Your Pre-Wedding Nerves

So you’re FINALLY on the home stretch to the big day? You’ve had no time to even think about anything apart from wedding prep, but when the larger details are out of the way and you’re down to the last few weeks – that’s when the nerves begin to kick in!!

Ultimately nerves are completely natural, you’re about to commit yourself to someone else for the rest of your life after all. Your jitters won’t completely disappear no matter what you try, but there are some ways to calm and soothe them, so you can enjoy the build up a little more.

Pre-weddding nerves

Iron Out the Creases

Last minute complications are the last thing you want, I ensured all the small hitches were completely ironed out ahead of my wedding (at least the ones I could control anyway). It’s these small hitches that begin to snowball and create larger issues closer to the date.

Our entertainment included a magician and a jazz band for the reception, so I made sure these were booked well in advance and I doubled checked a few weeks beforehand to make sure there were no mishaps. Finalizing details made me feel a great deal better.

So what if you double and treble check every details, there is no harm in having one more run-through if it gives you peace of mind. It’s best to over-prepare than to have regrets if something goes pear-shaped!

Teach Yourself to Relax

We take 900 breaths in every hour on average – the key to complete body relaxation is breathing properly. Fuller, deeper and more controlled breathing will inevitably help calm your nerves. Mastering this technique will give you greater control over your body. Here are some excellent breathing exercises you can try out before your wedding.

It may sound a bit ridiculous, but this technique can go a long way towards keeping you calmer and feeling in control of your surroundings. Getting a bit of down-time in the midst of all the chaos will certainly lend some perspective and give you clearer mind to deal with problems.

Lean on Your Partner & Friends

When my friend got married last year, I was with her every step of the way. It reminded me of the stress I went through during my own wedding.

Remember, it’s okay to ask for help! There is no need to go through it all alone, your partner is your partner for a reason. Lean on them and spread the workload evenly. Delegate some smaller tasks to your wedding party, they’ll be happy to lend a hand.

There’s Nothing Wrong with Some R&R

A pre-wedding pampering session is a must to leave you feeling totally rejuvenated. Don’t feel guilty when it comes to relieving some tension. During the final hurdle, a relaxing break will keep you stress-free with a positive outlook.

In the end everyone has different ways and means of relaxing, it’s the most important aspect to result in a day full of happiness and enjoyment. Tension and negativity will ultimately begin to rub off on the people around  you, casting a bad atmosphere over what should be the happiest day of your lives.

-By Karen James

Karen James is a Content & Marketing Executive for http://bmtpromotions.co.uk/

Image Credit: Day 7 Photography via Ruffled.

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