Uh-oh, bet the sparkling sheen of being engaged is after wearing off since last month. If certain pressures are looming in the back of your mind, take a step back and relax. What matters is your happiness as a couple, not nosy comments and interfering by other people. Here’s some things we all came up against in the after-math of getting a diamond ring…

Have An Engagement Party
Obviously, you will want to celebrate your happy news with family and friends. But sometimes there’s an expectation to throw a lavish party and invite pretty much a replica of your future wedding guest-list. The bill for engagement parties can run into the thousands depending on your final numbers. You’ll need to consider venue hire, finger food, music and either a complimentary round of drinks or a free bar.
You’ll more than likely be new home owners, and for many this will be a huge cost. If you don’t feel comfortable with the idea, skip it and just organise drinks with those closest to you.
Set A Date
Every. Single. Person. Will. Ask. This. Question. Whether it’s your gran’s bestie down the shops or those stale jokes of ‘you’re next’ at the first family wedding you attend following your engagement, it’s infuriatingly irritating. Start practicing that fake laugh, you’re gonna need it while internally wish you could jab them in the eye and tell them to mind their own business. I mean, hello! If we set a date, you’ll be the first bloody person to be informed…
Pick A Ring
If your other half was thoughtful enough to let you choose your own rock, there is by no means any rush to make a decision. You’ll be wearing it for the rest of your life and considering the expense, your choice must be perfect.
Questions From Your Elders
You’re gonna have to just grin and bear this one. Each wedding planning decision and minute detail will be inspected with a magnifying glass – and they’ll question everything from the number of bridesmaids you’re having to why you’re not hiring a videographer. The modern wedding is totally different compared to back in the day, know your parents and in-laws mean well and just smile.
The Proposal Story
This will need to be told a million times. And each time, you’re going to have to make it sound better than the last. No pressure.
Dealing With The Haters
There’s always a few to crawl out of the wood-work. The usual naysayers who’ll pass comments such as ‘you’re very young to be getting engaged’, ‘sure you’re only together a wet week’, ‘they must be pregnant’. Basically, just screw these people. Positive vibes only thanks.
Image Credit: via How He Asked.